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WFR Application Page

The Wiki Fiction Roleplay Character and Guild Member Application

For all applying WFR Guild Members


This page is continuously renovated and updated by [xido], and
all volunteering Official Guild Moderators

  The Wiki Fantasy Roleplay was created by Elftown members to be a group that would encourage and recommend advanced level, creative and original roleplaying with a focus on creative writing and networking with other interested fiction-lovers.

  Roleplaying can be a great pasttime and often requires some level of writing skill, personality mimicry (like acting a part), and a lot of creativity. The WFR, therefore, does not accept less than average roleplayers. With recent renovations, the Wiki Fantasy Roleplay, and its sister site, the Wiki Sci-Fi Roleplay, have merged to become one Guild, the

An official Creative Writing and Storytelling Guild of Elftown


  The application process we use is a basic character description, which is a great way of showing your creativity and originality of concept, as well as your skill and style of writing. We understand that english is a secondary language for many people on Elftown, and will be sympathetic to your level of speech, but we still require proper spelling and grammar, and suggest that anyone use a spellcheck or word processor program with spell check and grammar check before posting the final product. If you have neither, and need help, a mod will be willing to help with basic structure and spelling, but this may take some time as all mods are volunteers on their own time, and your char app will not be accepted to its own page until it is finished. This is to ensure that your character is as neat and impressive as it can be before we go posting you on an advanced level guild. Key idea here: Patience. We will be patient with you, if you are patient with us. Thank you.

  We require a generous amount of information about your character. We want to be as informed as possible about the limits and powers of your persona, and how well it will fit into our campaigns. "We" are all roleplayers, creators of wikis settings and worlds, and other characters that may need to know you before they "know you". Just because your character is secretive about his limits and abilities in the game does not mean you can be vague and obtuse here and now.

  We like to see a lot of information about any various aspects of this persona as possible. Expand on any subject you feel stands out about this character, but please don't allow yourself to get too carried away with their chest size, beautiful features, and seductive personality and body shape. Chances are, you're not a very experienced roleplayer in that case, and your shining character will be mildly distraught the first time they get a battle scar or a backlashed spell. Tumbling down hills does not let your mascara stay very well.

  Similarly, a one-paragraph character description consisting of name, gender, age, hair colour, eye colour, and a two-line history will definitely NOT cut it.

  The following details MUST BE included in your character's description for us to consider it for acceptance into the guild:

  Character Name AND [YOUR USERNAME] or, for members coming in from outside Elftown, a way to contact you, for instance an e-mail
  Fiction Genre
: (Fantasy, SciFi, Horror, Future Fantasy, Modern, HistoryFic, Creative FanFic/Mythos)
  Rank/Title/Social Caste
  Visible Physical Traits
  Detailed list of Personality traits and typical actions/decisions
  Full Historical Commentary

  You should make sure this includes a modest yet distinct description of their Appearance in at least one fluent, descriptive paragraph. This can include their wardrobe, eye colour, hair colour, skin tone, height, weight, how many freckles are on their left ear lobe... really, anything that comes to mind.

  Please include a detailed description of your character's Personality. Be as in-depth and descriptive as possible! Your character's personality reflects the way he or she acts, thinks, and it often affects and is affected by their history... which is also something you should include. An ALIGNMENT would be utterly grand! For info on alignments, message [xido] or ask any of our members!
Tell us about your character's history; don't take the easy way out by saying "John is very mysterious and does not reveal his past to anyone." John may not reveal his history, but you're not very good at keeping secrets. Other characters in the roleplay won't know, only the people behind the computer. Therefore it is required that you describe your characters history to us. ^.^

  I sound like such a slave-driver, but believe me, you will benefit from this.

  You may also include a picture of your character, but it will not be an adequate replacement for the appearance description, and it will not be considered in my decision of whether or not to accept you to the Wiki Fiction Roleplay Guild.

  (Please, when applying, try to keep in mind not to create a 'god-like' character. God-like characters are those that are unbeatable with no weaknesses and are claimed to be nearly perfect with select skills and are also said to be able to do anything. These characters tend to create a lot of conflict with other characters and are not appreciated by others in most roleplays.

  And also, please don't list in your character descriptions, try putting things into proper sentences with proper spelling and grammer. //[Leara])


Genre-specific information for new characters:

  For Fantasy Characters:
  For help with choosing a species or race, see the WFR Char RACE Page.

  For help with choosing an appropriate rank, title, class or social caste, please see the WFR Char RANK Page.

  For Science Fiction, Future Fantasy, Horror or Modern Roleplay Characters:
  For help with choosing a species or race, see the Sci-Fi Races Page.

  For help with choosing a social class, rank, title, profession, etc., see the Sci-Fi Ranks Page

  For FanFic or Mythos Roleplay Characters:
  Please be forewarned, that your character must not be a character from the story that you are interested in Role-Playing in or creating. Those characters are Intellectual Property of the authors, artists, producers and creators of those Fiction stories and media. See Copyright and Intellectual Property for more.

  That being said, the Wiki Fiction Roleplay will soon begin accepting creative, original Fan-Fiction wiki games and stories on two specific conditions:
1)  It is a creative, original, and professionally-created and referenced wiki, storyline, game or fan site.
2)  It must cite the 'Official' website, publication or similar resource of the original media, and have a proper APA Formatting bibliography somewhere on the page to be accepted. All FanFic wikis must be approved by [xido] only. All other websites referenced are optional, but they also need to be properly formatted to APA standards to be accepted. More to come on this by [xido].

  For World/Story/Game/Setting creators needing CREATURES:
  If you are a game or wiki moderator who is looking to make a beastie to battle for other characters, also see the

Creature_List by [Angel Dreamer]

For all your Beasties. For players and guild applicants, please stick to the most common playable races until you have entered the guild and want a secondary character.

  Also, see the Elftown Creature Contest Marathon, an official Elftown contest marathon!


Still Confused? See:
WFR Applicant Character Example
WFR Character Template


  Back to Wiki Fiction Roleplay, Character Page, WFR Guild Members
OR Roleplaying for Dummies

  When accepted, ONWARD! to WFR Games, WFR Quests, or Text Adventures

  PLEASE NOTE: you may now post your character description for evaluation IN THE COMMENTS FIELDS!!!

  Remember to enter everything listed above and don't forget to mention your Elftown username! Otherwise we ([xido], [Leara], [Linn Scarlett], [Blood Raven] or [Kim_Lundin]) will not be able to accept you. If your character seems to be doing nothing, please send us a small and courteous message for assistance.


  To apply for a primary app char, copy the template below
Post this info on your Character Biography Wiki Page


[Name of Character Page@wiki]:

<u><b>Character Name:</b></u>
<h1><center>Character Name Here!</center></h1>

<u><b>User:</b></u>  [USERNAME HERE!]


<u><b>Fiction Genre:</b></u>




  <u><i>Prestige Class, Guild, or Kabal:</i></u>

  <u><i>Eye Color:</i></u>
  <u><i>Hair Color:</i></u>
  <u><i>Flesh Tone:</i></u>
  <u><i>Clothing and Apparel:</i></u>
  <u><i>Outstanding Marks or Features:</i></u>

<center>(Artworks, imagery or media HERE)</center!uQ!uQt!t!>

  <u><i>Feats and Abilities:</i></u>
  <u><i>Combat, Weapon and Armor Proficiencies:</i></u>
   <u><i>-Weapons on hand:</i></u>
  <u><i>Spell or Talent Use:</i></u>
   <u><i>-Divine or Arcane Spell Use:</i></u>
   <u><i>-Racial, Supernatural, Spell-like or Extraordinary Abilities:</i></u>
   <u><i>-Psionic Abilities or Talents:</i></u>
  <u><i>Strengths and Weaknesses:</i></u>

  <u><i>Quirks, Outstanding and Memorable Actions or Phrases:</i></u>


<u><b>Equipment and Belongings:</b></u>


<u><b>Developments and Updates:</b></u>


If you have a page that you post all of your characters on, include the link of the page you would like all of your Guild-approved characters to be placed on with your application (ie, My Roleplays)

Username (or number or email):


2004-07-26 [Leara]: The characters are supposed to be posted on this page, not another page

2004-07-26 [Arctik]: Well, it was already there. Shall I copy it?

2004-07-27 [xido]: no worries.... Leara, I think I remember his character from before... He was once a member, I'm nearly positive. The Elvin Boy character, however, is not a past member. Please let the mods make your page for you. Thanks.

2004-07-27 [Elvin Boy]: I wasn't a member

2004-07-29 [kayle]: Hi. I'm new here, and I just posted my character. How long will it take for me to get accepted, and when I do, can anyone suggest any good places for me to roleplay? Or would anyone be interested in starting a roleplay with me?

2004-07-29 [Leara]: Er...can you not make it bold? Makes it harder to read for those of us with headaches. ^^; Length of time depends on when we have time, and are not busy. ^^;

2004-07-29 [kayle]: sorry i just copy-pasted that thing up there like they told me to that better?

2004-07-30 [Blood Raven]: yeah it's fine now ^^ have fun wiki-ing

2004-07-30 [Rianthe]: ok leara is Rianthe better now?

2004-07-30 [Leara]: You should add in a description of what an 'Avariel' elf is...

2004-07-31 [kayle]: any suggestions for a good active place with room for another player? ^^

2004-07-31 [Elvin Boy]: wolf town if you got accepted here just copy and paste ur application to [raynesprite]

2004-08-01 [Firous]: I know of two places...An Angel's Trial and The City of Eliy

2004-08-02 [kayle]: thanks

2004-08-09 [xido]: a description of the avariel elf is on the Species Page, under the description for elf.... it's a winged variety. Largest population: Dae'Vyhir, on Qor... ask [Raerlas] for more info.  ;)

2004-08-12 [Kiteloki]: Thank you much Blood Raven for the help I will work on it

2004-08-12 [Raerlas]: Yeah Qor is the place where they are...If any more questions i will answer them willingly.

2004-08-12 [Rianthe]: So is my description alright? or is more needed??

2004-08-12 [Blood Raven]: it seems to be pretty good, though it might need some work on personality. It says things about her trust, but what about other things? Is she talkative, humorous, sadistic, or as dangerous as her quote shows her? This could be developed during play though, thus automaticly finding a way you like to play her, which makes roleplaying easier. Anyways it seems like an interesting char and I think I might even be interested to roleplay with you :) For some reason like just like rangers ^^\

2004-08-12 [Blood Raven]: it seems to be pretty good, though it might need some work on personality. It says things about her trust, but what about other things? Is she talkative, humorous, sadistic, or as dangerous as her quote shows her? This could be developed during play though, thus automaticly finding a way you like to play her, which makes roleplaying easier. Anyways it seems like an interesting char and I think I might even be interested to roleplay with you :) For some reason I just like rangers ^^

2004-08-12 [Rianthe]: Ok will do...thanks Blood Raven.

2004-08-12 [kayle]: okay, i feel rotten, i haven't gotten into any roleplays yet...T_T I hate to risk sounding like a whining newbie...but I would really like to get into an active roleplay with someone. help? please?

2004-08-12 [Rianthe]: could go to the Dae'Vhiris Gardens or wheni get onyou could try a setting with me. another may help out to...a co-mod for the Lands of Qor named [Raerlas]

2004-08-13 [Raerlas]: Ah yes. of course, i am a co-mod for the lands of qor, the Kingdom of Dae'Vyhir. let me know if you are interested.

2004-08-13 [Blood Raven]: I'm looking for a good active wiki myself as well, keep me updated okay? :)

2004-08-13 [Raerlas]: sure, will do. if you want to start let me know. i'll just ask a few others to join in sometime.

2004-08-18 [Prater]: Hi I'm new

2004-08-18 [Leara]: I have a job...I'll be online half as much as usual...excuse me as I pass out...first day of work...8 hour shift...feet...pain...X.X

2004-08-19 [Blood Raven]: you think you can do the applications you already commented on or should I take them over?

2004-08-19 [xido]: Take the helm, BR. I like the human female assassin/rogue, Tahiya... Cool character. Rianthe is good. That race is still being developed well, between Raerlas and I and some others... Definitely accept Rianthe. The rest do, indeed need a bit more content and thought. That secondary char for RavenTalon should be accepted and posted on the League page. Thanks, guys, and good times with the RPs!! Have fun  x.o)

2004-09-03 [GeshemYehod]: oh no! i think i covored the hole page with my application!!!!!

2004-09-04 [Blood Raven]: use the edit button

2004-09-04 [Leara]: You deleted our entire page...

2004-09-04 [GeshemYehod]: how? oh crap, im so sorry

2004-09-04 [GeshemYehod]: ok, i took it all out

2004-09-04 [GeshemYehod]: oh wow, I am so completely sorry, I really diddnt know I was deleting the hole page!

2004-09-04 [Leara]: what did you do when you clicked edit that page?

2004-09-05 [GeshemYehod]: the first time?

2004-09-05 [GeshemYehod]: The first time, i entered that >character name stuff, in the white box you enter your characters info on

2004-09-05 [Nightshadow]: Wow...lovely. Fixed, no worries.

2004-09-05 [Leara]: Yeah, but did you schroll down to the end of all of what was already wrote in it

2004-09-05 [Nightshadow]: *blink* I just reverted to the version of the page right before it was deleted.

2004-09-05 [Leara]: Yeah, but I'm trying to find out how one exactly manages to delete the whole thing. I've never understood it. @_@

2004-09-05 [Nightshadow]: *laughs* How does one do something stupid to a wiki page? *throws end of a scroll of her own misdemeanors, which rolls down the hall and out the door* Where would you like me to start? ^_^ Now, I've never actually deleted a whole page, and submitted...but I might have when first learning to use the wiki.

2004-09-05 [Leara]: I never have...and I don't understand how it's even possible without highlighting everything and hitting the back button. @_@

2004-09-05 [Nightshadow]: *shrugs* Well, it must be possible...this is the second time I've seen it happen without malicious intent. Actually I can kind of see the mentality, which stems from not knowing exactly how the wiki works.

2004-09-05 [GeshemYehod]: Thats right.. I did not have a full understanding on how exactly I should edit the page-I am not pinning this all on you, Of course, it was my fault, but I do not fully undertsand how exactly it was I need to do this. Could you possibly explain it to me?

2004-09-05 [GeshemYehod]: ohh...scroll down to the end of what was on mean where it says " secondary Characters go here"?

2004-09-05 [GeshemYehod]: and one more question...when you enter in the charater you take out the little things?or the </h1>things?Missing: </b>

2004-09-05 [Leara]: not that far, right above that. And no, you don't take those out, their tags, their what make things bold or larger than usual.

2004-09-05 [GeshemYehod]: so what button do you click to add your application?

2004-09-05 [GeshemYehod]: is it the edit this page button right after the "secondary characters go here" because i dont see anything thats like " submit your application here" so sorry, i really dont know what you are talking about when you say "sight above that" im so sorry!

2004-09-05 [Leara]: Ok, you click edit this page. It shows a white box that contains all the text on the page. You schroll down till you get right above where it says secondary characters, and above the < hr > tag, but under the text added by Blood Raven, thats where you paste your description.

2004-09-05 [GeshemYehod]: ooohhh, ok

2004-09-05 [GeshemYehod]: *submits* will you still consider my application even though I screwed up your page really bad?

2004-09-06 [Blood Raven]: yeah sure we will, otherwise we wouldn't have a job ;)

2004-09-06 [GeshemYehod]: awesome! im accepted WOOOHOOO! *does dance*

2004-09-07 [Leara]: Wow. Someone watches just a little to much Inuyasha.

2004-09-07 [Blood Raven]: I wouldn't know, don't know the series. Only seen fanart of it on Elfwood... I assume you're referring to the new application?

2004-09-07 [Leara]: Yup. First: Yamiko. Theres a inuyasha character names kikyo, sounds similar and kikyo is a...miko...priestess. Inuyasha's brothers name is Sesshoumaru...wonder where Sessha came from...the demons in the show are called Youkai...youkaisen...youkai...and Inuyasha is a hanyou, or, half youkai. wow, her character is a half breed demon too! What a coincedence. And replace the she's with he's here and you have Inuyasha in the beginning of the series: 'She isn't fond of humans and hates the fact that she is half human herself. She believes humans to be weak. Her greatest desire is to be full demon.' And Inuyasha's older brother, Sesshoumaru, is like a demon lord...lord of the west or one of the dir

2004-09-07 [Leara]: directions, he hates his half human sibling, and is jealous of him so he does try to kill him...a lot.

2004-09-07 [Blood Raven]: 0.o; sounds like an interesting series. Well seeing you know way more about, you take that char please...

2004-09-07 [Nightshadow]: Oh...yeah, I'll agree it's a fan char, but for the record, Leara, "Sessha" is not based off of "Sesshoumaru." It's just referring to how the character refers to herself...Augi really does say Sessha it all the time, it's real Japanese. Second...Augi, this character, like Skye, isn't highly appropriate to Ionnya. You can play her if you really want--and leara and blood accept her--but please try steering clear of divine races.

2004-09-07 [Blood Raven]: ow, right, Ionnya. I said I'd have some char there too, didn't I? I adda go think of one before I miss the fun part and everybody's way too far into the story already :p

2004-09-07 [Nightshadow]: It's still just starting...there's a new page, too, current character locations...let me know if that's helpful or not. ^_^;

2004-09-07 [Blood Raven]: yes I took a look at it. It might actually be very helpfull, becuz then you don't have to start on a location and find out there's absolutly nobody there :P

2004-09-07 [Leara]: I'm not taking this one, because I'm biased. I like original characters, and I'm not a fan of things obviously taken from anime, so someone else can deal with it cause I'll just say no.

2004-09-08 [Lethe]: I've added my character

2004-09-10 [xido]: Where is this character that is so talked about? I want to take a look at it myself.

2004-09-10 [Nightshadow]: Bottom of the page, version 230.

2004-09-10 [Augi]: ha! fools... sessha deleted it... sayonara

2004-09-16 [Death Dealers]: I enjoyed that, though the Coding was a bitch. ^.^ I figured out what I did wrong and now I am proud to say i Have finished. ~bows~

2004-09-19 [Furai]: *blink* Ummm...*blink* Uh... *is lost for words* Hi everyone. I guess I should say that I hope you like my application.(Furai)^_^;

2004-09-20 [Furai]: *gasp* No ons here today?? Aww...oh well. C yas!

2004-09-22 [Claude K Winchester]: I am so angerflied, I just worked my arse off making a profile for my char and it didn't show up! AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! THE AGONY!!!!!!!! WHY!? WHY!?

2004-10-01 [Death Dealers]: when do I know if I have been excepted?

2004-10-01 [Blood Raven]: If your character has been moved to the league of accepted characters, in which case they 're usually delted on this page and placed on their own wiki page. I dunno about [Leara], but I usually send people a message when their character has been moderated and accepted.

2004-10-01 [Lethe]: I put my second character under the secondary character section

2004-10-02 [Blood Raven]: yes, I saw that yesterday. didn't have time to look at it though, I'll mod it now.

2004-10-13 [Gattsuo]: ...somebody rate my character plz

2004-10-21 [Lord Fortune]: I hate to be a bother but can someone please rate and either accept or reject my character soon? Or tell me how to effectivley change him so I will get accepted. I've been invited to join Ionnya, but being able to play is contingent on my acceptance. Thank you for your time and patience.

2004-10-21 [Leara]: There are only two of us accepting characters, I work and go to nightschool, I'm not sure about Blood Raven, so please try to understand that we have lives away from here. And I'm busy at the moment.

2004-10-21 [Lord Fortune]: -sits back and twiddles thumbs like a good boy- Sigh...But I plotting to doooooo~! Okay, now I'm just getting whiney. BAD LUKAS!

2004-10-25 [Blood Raven]: right, [lord forune], [Slade], [Gattsuo] and [tobeius], your chars have finally been moderated. My apologies for the long waiting, I've been a bit busy lately. Cool chars everybody, your char pages can be found by typing the name of your char in the go to wiki box or on top of the page the league of accepted characters

2004-11-08 [Gattsuo]: thanks for accepting my char *grins*

2004-12-23 [Leara]: Oh jeez, way to fuck up the wiki.

2004-12-24 [Danboo]: is mine excecped

2004-12-24 [Leara]: it's to short and needs more work.

2004-12-24 [Danboo]: ok

2004-12-24 [Danboo]: i can't think of what else to write

2004-12-24 [Leara]: And check your spelling.

2004-12-24 [Danboo]: ok?

2004-12-24 [Leara]: from the top of the page, "Wiki Fantasy Roleplay does not accept less than advanced roleplayers. Therefore, a one paragraph character description consisting of name, gender, age, hair colour, eye colour, etc., will definitely not cut it. We are looking for in-depth, descriptive Characters with a lot of effort put into them, especially as this will determine the way others who have joined WFR evaluate you as a roleplayer and a writer."

2004-12-24 [Danboo]: ohh, hey its not just one paragraph

2004-12-24 [Leara]: Theres about 7 full lines. A proper paragraph is usually longer than that. It's your character, you should be able to write a lot on him. My shortest paragraphs are seven lines.

2004-12-24 [Leara]: And you don't have ANY actual paragraphs...each section should have one paragraph of its own.

2004-12-24 [Danboo]: there

2004-12-24 [Leara]: It's not long enough, theres not enough description, your not even sure of your own characters age, you don't even use proper sentence structure, something you need to use when roleplaying.

2004-12-24 [Danboo]: no im sure but my char. isn't

2004-12-24 [Danboo]: and in RP-ing i use proper sentence structure

2004-12-24 [Leara]: Your applying, so you should be trying to impress us. And it doesn't matter if your character knows or not, that just shows me you havent read everything you were supposed to before applying.

2004-12-24 [Danboo]: what im trying i've hardly do one, my brother olways mess it up(im surprized he hasn't yet)or make it better so i haven't done very many true aplications

2005-01-03 [xido]: Hello, everyone! I hope everybody had a great holiday and vacation (unless you were unlucky enough to have omitted those things)! I just want to personally excuse my own absence from here recently. I, as well as others, have been very busy and working diligently on many projects, including this one. Thank you in advance for your patience and courtesy, and please remember that things like this come in time, and it is not always easy to get characters accepted on a same-day basis, as we once attempted to do. Leara is doing an excellent job of monitoring and moderating this page, and I hope that you can all find it in your hearts to thank her for her work here.

2005-01-03 [xido]: Also, our most recent moderator, [Blood Raven], who was filling in for the blasphemous [MathiasIV], has asked to relinquish his position as moderator of new characters and applications. Having granted his request, I am now seeking a new member of the guild to help Leara with character applications. I would prefer someone that I have previously spoken with, and someone that gets along with Leara.... (boy, that sounds harsh no matter how I say it). GUILD MEMBERS ONLY, PLEASE. Leara, if you know of anyone you would trust with the job, then your input is invaluable as well. Thanks, and keep up the good work! Have fun! ;)

2005-01-03 [Danboo]: ok

2005-01-03 [Leara]: XD I admit it, I'm difficult to get along with. Who has a lot of patience? Anyone? Hehe.

2005-01-03 [Nicolai Antredias]: I do, but I'm not a member.

2005-01-03 [Danboo]: i do

2005-01-11 [xido]: Leara, if you could accept both Rapheria and Rhilianis... The latter's user, [Forrest the Guardian], may soon be helping you, if you'd like to give him a little show of the ropes.... Otherwise, [Nightshadow] said she might help you out, since the scifi guild operates a bit more slowly than ours..... Whichever you prefer, and whatever works best. :)

2005-01-19 [Raerlas]: hey people? any one around here...

2005-01-19 [Danboo]: mee

2005-01-20 [GeshemYehod]: no. grrrr

2005-01-20 [Danboo]: ??

2005-01-20 [GeshemYehod]: GRRRR, back the smeg offffffff

2005-01-20 [GeshemYehod]: lol, sry.

2005-01-25 [Raerlas]: ....xido i'd be willing...and i can tolerate alot....but i'll leave it up to you and leara.

2005-02-15 [xido]: If that's cool with Leara, I'm down with it. It's all really up to her, since it's only her that is helped by having an assistant. I just try to make surr to keep up on maintenance, really. ;) :P

2005-02-15 [Raerlas]: ok what bout you Leara?

2005-02-21 [Hollow Threats]: i just don't get it

2005-02-22 [Raerlas]: what?

2005-03-05 [Hollow Threats]: no clue

2005-03-16 [Leara]: O.O Its cool

2005-03-16 [Leara]: And Xido...may I suggest that we should have a weakness category following the skills? Many applicants sound incredibly maybe if we could see what their weaknesses are, their may be a balance...

2005-03-16 [Raerlas]: i can agree on that one. balance is a good thing to have.

2005-03-16 [Leara]: And to White Fire Ninja, also don't delete what the mod writes when you change things.

2005-03-16 [Raerlas]: ....*looks Up* oh dear.

2005-03-16 [Deathseed]: So I should tell the weakness of character then.

2005-03-17 [Raerlas]: yeah. most people won't read it...but for xido and leara's pleasure..i'd say so.

2005-03-17 [Leara]: Ack....there are different countries in Jashnia! Have you read anything?? @_@

2005-03-20 [Mia the mermaid22]: Can I jion the rpg?

2005-03-21 [Leara]: You have to apply.

2005-03-21 [Mia the mermaid22]: OK. How?

2005-03-21 [Leara]: If you want to join, you have to READ. The page explains itself.

2005-03-21 [Mia the mermaid22]: Leara, do you want to be in my story?

2005-03-22 [Mia the mermaid22]: I read it and I will do my character and I can't draw and Can someone draw it for me.

2005-03-22 [Leara]: Draw? You don't have to draw anything.

2005-03-22 [Mia the mermaid22]: OK.

2005-03-22 [Mia the mermaid22]: I am also going to get my stories published when I am older after I do some revising.

2005-03-23 [Mia the mermaid22]: How do I get started on the character page?

2005-03-23 [Leara]: read.

2005-03-23 [Mia the mermaid22]: I did read and Can the character be Royalty.

2005-03-24 [Raerlas]: i don't see why not...i have chars that are. for example Leahnorra Tanu'laeh

2005-03-24 [Blood Raven]: you'd have to discuss with a GM of which country you're royalty, I believe

2005-03-24 [Leara]: Yeah, she would. Can't be royalty and not have a place your royalty of, or join an rpg where the position is already taken.

2005-03-24 [Raerlas]: have you decided where you are from Idril?

2005-03-24 [White Fire Ninja]: srry didnt know not to! ((is my character accepted))?

2005-03-24 [Leara]: The character description will be moved to the accepted characters page when it is.

2005-03-25 [Mia the mermaid22]: My character is from Lynnaria

2005-03-25 [Mia the mermaid22]: Raerlas:Do you want to help me with my character?

2005-03-26 [Leara]: There isn't a lynnaria in Jashnia is there? You'd have to create your own country, for that you'd need to talk to Xido.

2005-03-26 [Mia the mermaid22]: Lynnaria is a name of a planet which is faraway.

2005-03-26 [Mia the mermaid22]: My character is from lynn'arie.

2005-03-26 [Leara]: I'm not sure if thats possible in this rp. You'll have to check with Xido.

2005-03-26 [Mia the mermaid22]: Who is Xido?

2005-03-26 [Leara]: X.X omg. Only the owner of this whole thing.

2005-03-26 [Mia the mermaid22]: Where is the owner name?

2005-03-26 [Leara]: On this page...and every other one?

2005-03-27 [Mia the mermaid22]: OK. Is it at the top or bottom?

2005-03-27 [Leara]: If you read everything, like your supposed to, you would have come across his name SEVERAL times through out the pages. I'm sorry, but its up to you to make a character application, we're not going to do everything for you.

2005-03-27 [Mia the mermaid22]: I will do the character appilcation and I am right now writing my story.

2005-03-27 [Mia the mermaid22]: Can I look at the people characters and get some ideas.

2005-03-28 [Leara]: Xidoraven, if you check this page....HEEEEELP ME, or I'm gonna msg and bug you. >.> 

2005-03-28 [Raerlas]: Look if you want i'll go through the process of getting it straigtened out leara.

2005-03-28 [Leara]: It's ok, I was talking to Xido. Absolutly no more god-like characters, if people don't tone it down, then I guess they aren't going to get in. I'm going to go through the characters again later. This you have to be careful of...someone else that was appointed to help me before, accepted a HUGE Mary-Sue, I think I even told them not to, but everyone that read that character description had problems with it. You may know what character that is, you may not. :P

2005-03-29 [Raerlas]: ok.

2005-03-29 [Nicolai Antredias]: Hey Leara do you still need help with the character prossese?

2005-03-29 [Leara]: I got it handled for now...when I get off my lazy ass, this evening hopefully.

2005-04-02 [Bunny666]: hehe, I've got a long history :)

2005-04-02 [Leara]: Ok, before I even read the history...race should just be vampire if she's a vampire, clothing needs more description, since when I picture it, it can be visualized as modern clothing, I'm not sure about anyone else...but aren't monks almost always male? Also, something that bugs me...the appearance description is a little should't tell people what to think about your character, she should't say she's the most beautiful someone has seen, if that was the case, there would be dozens of female characters here who were the most beautiful, especially since there are a lot of elf character, and elves tend to be far more beautiful than humans. Also, a vampire probaly wouldn't be able

2005-04-02 [Leara]: to use devine magic...vampire are created through darkness, whether the vampire is evil or not. Her personality is vague, it should be longer.

2005-04-02 [Leara]: Raerlas, you can help me out with this one if you like too, I sometimes over do things. :P

2005-04-03 [Bunny666]: Well, she is an ex-monk, as a monk she had great divine powers, coulden't some of that stayed on her? I wanted to make it some sort of evil divine, but I can't come up with a name for that( if it even excists). And I know monks are mostly male but exceptions are known to be made.

2005-04-03 [Leara]: Vampires usually have a weakness towards holy or divine magic.

2005-04-03 [Blood Raven]: only postive divine. evil divine magic would actually benefit them, I think

2005-04-03 [Nicolai Antredias]: True but how often do you se Dark Divine being used

2005-04-03 [Leara]: Has anyone ever seen a female monk? I never have.

2005-04-03 [Nicolai Antredias]: Depends on where they are in the world.

2005-04-03 [Leara]: I;ve only seen priestess's and shrine maidens.

2005-04-03 [Nicolai Antredias]: Im sure it is possible for women to be monks. They would be from diffrent temples than men would be and train a bit diffrent.

2005-04-04 [Raerlas]: well i just read everything here and in the process of reading whats above....well i must say its interesting to read...but do we use neverwinter nights chars?....and yet i must say, where is neverwinter here in WFR? i can see the monk factor only because of the D&D aspect, monks can be male or female through D&D. imust say to lay on hands you need to be a paladin, and from what i could see, no paladin. i should suggest you look at gods and see which one would fit your char, then maybe you could add why you have some sort of divine powers. you must worship an evil god i would think now in order to have them

2005-04-04 [Raerlas]: ....i think i could add more...but i'll wait for the time being. oh and i have to agree with leara on the appearance discription. don't tell others what they have to hink of your character. put it in a better way if you can.....anything else needed to be addressed leara?

2005-04-07 [xido]: No one has currently created anything like Neverwinter Nights, but then, what does it matter, really, as long as the player can play realistically enough.... As for male or female, it's a fantasy roleplay 100%, and if a female temple exists, so be it...... But most monks practice asceticism, and abandon all material bindings to the world, including the use of magic, which causes paradox, and binds the soul karmically to the body.......but an evil ex-monk cleric might be okay..... if you can roleplay worth everyone's time. If you plan on playing a vampire character, check with a story's moderator to see if it's okay, or else keep to the open, free-form roleplays....and further describe

2005-04-07 [xido]: the amount of power and assistance her divine force gives her.... That should be good for the ex-monk.... Just make sure playing a vampire in someone's wiki story doesn't uspet their own games.

2005-04-07 [xido]: As for the 'I'm gonna say I''m interested in what Xido has to say on this one as well. //[Leara]', well... Let's just say that there is no such thing as 'Satan', whether in our own world, or even really in the fantasy realms.... If you are a devil lord's son, then you are a Baatezu Prince, most likely son of Mephistopheles, Orcus, Bel, or Asmodeus, all high-ranking Baatezy Lords.... furthermore, if you think that gets you off the hook, you're wrong. playing a character like that is a travesty to any common storyline, and a huge burden on other players. Keep the Child of Satan for your own enjoyment, but not for a character application. That stuff is way too difficult for most stories.

2005-04-08 [Bunny666]: There is a monk abilty that heals himself by focusing his powers. I tought it was called Lay on Hands.

2005-04-08 [Bunny666]: I'm sorry, the healing is called Wholeness of Body ((long life the manual of Neverwinternights))

2005-04-08 [Bunny666]: I've changed the skills a bit, tell me what you think

2005-04-13 [Raerlas]: much better. i think you explained much more. yet i am going to ask: what are your divine powers. i'd like to hear Leara's thoughts.

2005-04-13 [Leara]: I'm getting sick. I'll read over everything when my headache goes away. >.>

2005-04-15 [Leara]: [sharakor], before you finish, you should run a spell check. And instead of kitsune kito...which a lot of people aren't gonna have a clue what it is, it should probaly just be fox anthro.

2005-04-15 [Leara]: And alignment isn't nessecary...I just noticed a lot of people have that..o.O

2005-04-15 [Raerlas]: alright.

2005-04-18 [Leara]: People Applying; You do NOT need an alignment! Go by 'To apply for a primary app char, COPY-PASTE THIS:' NOT by other people's applications!

2005-04-20 [Pinkdonkey]: there, changed it :)

2005-04-20 [Anti_Anti_Groups]: ok.. sorry

2005-04-20 [Raerlas]: ...... watching as always.

2005-04-22 [Leara]: I'm getting a flu. Or something of that sort. I had it, then mom had it, now she's passed it back to me. >.>

2005-04-22 [Raerlas]: .... hope you get better.

2005-04-26 [Leara]: I got worseee, feverrrrr X.X

2005-04-27 [Raerlas]: *blinks* ouch. you taking anything to bring it down?

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